Their posters, below, demonstrate the breadth of expertise and reach of our interdisciplinary center. Many thanks to our collaborators, coordinate labs, sponsors, consultants, and friends and family for making this work a possibility. Till next year SfN!
1.Devyn Bauer
'Investigation of dorsal premotor cortex neuronal activity during reaching in a rhesus macaque using neuropixels'
2. Stephanie Alberico
'Methods for Recording Local Field Potentials during Movement and Stimulation from Externalized Deep Brain Stimulation Leads'
3. Bharadwaj Nandakumar
'Effect of parkinsonianism on basal ganglia-thalamocortical neuronal dynamic during sleep-wake behavior'
4. Eesha Bharti
Evolution of beta band activity across the BGTC network in a progressive model of Parkinson's disease
5. Claudia Hendrix & Hannah Baker
'Single Unit Activity in the Supplementary Motor Area is Disrupted during the Baseline Pre-Movement] State in Parkinsonism'
6. Ajay Verma
'Characterization of Beta and High-Frequency Oscillations in the Pallidum Across the Sleep-Wake Cycle in Parkinson's disease'
7. Kit Acedillo
'Effect of Parkinsonism on Basal Ganglia-Motor Cortex Synchrony During Slow-Wave Sleep'
8. Ziling Luo
'Phase desynchronization of subthalamic beta oscillatory activities associated with therapeutic coordinated reset deep brain stimulation'
9. Noah Hjelle
'Parkinsonism alters neuronal activity in the primary motor cortex during active movement'
10. Kai Bosley
"The Selection of Cycle Rate Impacts the Effect of Coordinated Reset Deep Brain Stimulation on Parkinsonian Gait"